About Me

Hello folks! I’m Sohil Ladhani. I was brought up in a small town called Dhandhuka which is around 105 km from where I live now which is Ahmedabad. We had to move here as the school I was studying in lacked facility to enroll in H.S.C (Higher Secondary Education).  By the way, the school is called Dhandhuka English Medium High School. I completed my H.S.C from Ashish Higher Secondary School and then got admission in an engineering college which is called Shankersinh Vaghela Bapu Institute of Technology situated at Unava, Gandhinagar. I’m currently in 8th semester of my Computer Engineering career.

I saw a live Computer when I was in 2nd standard. As a child I was not obsessed with chocolates and neither candies made me happy. The only thing that could made me happy was looking at a T.V. like thing which had a board of countless buttons and a tiny thing with which people would always play with their hands by wobbling it. I first saw them in movies by the way.

I came to know that the computers were meant for our seniors who were studying in the grades 5 0r above. It made me little disappointed that I had to wait for another 3 years. But gradually I overcame it by visiting the Computer Lab during recess hours.

I waited 3 years and finally I got to operate the computers. As far as I remember the computers at my school had DOS in them. But who cared! The first thing we learnt was a bunch of DOS commands.

Time gradually passed but my passion for computers hadn’t faded a bit. I got my first computer on July 18, 2008. It was Intel Dual Core with 1 GB RAM. I was in 12th grade at that time.

I always wanted to be a Computer Engineer as I always wanted to be around the computers and fortunately I got it too. During the last 3 years of engineering, I’ve developed a love for Programming, Web Development, Networking and whatever that appeared in the subjects I learnt during this period. So in this blog, you’d find things which I’ve achieved or will achieve in above mentioned fields.

Thanks. Be happy. 🙂

You can find me at http://www.facebook.com/sohilladhani or email me at sohilladhani@gmail.com.

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Anonymous December 8, 2012 Reply


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